Buy property with Destiny Real Estate
Unlike other area real estate companies that only have access to one local MLS system, Buckeye Country Realty is a member of mutliple area MLS systems and can represent you and send you listings from anywhere from the Ohio River north to the Columbus, OH area.

So whether you're looking in Athens, Meigs, Washington, Hocking, Fairfield, Morgan, Jackson, Perry, Licking, Vinton or Franklin Counties, we can service you!

Even better, our buyer representation services are FREE to buyers. We do not charge our buyers commission or any other types of fees.

Ready to get started? Fill out our BUYER FORM or email and describe for us your dream home, and we'll help make those dreams a reality! You will be contacted by one of our real estate agents to get your criteria for a home, and you will immediately be set up on an auto-search for your dream home, where you will receive ALL the listings that currently meet your criteria, along with receiving a NEW email anytime a new listing matching your criteria comes on the market!

Don't settle for an agent that only covers a limited area, when you can have a BUCKEYE COUNTRY REALTY agent that will send you ALL the listings that fit your criteria, not just a select few! We look forward to making your dreams a reality!